Wednesday, February 25, 2009

spring thing

today was the deadline for submitting J's residency rankings. now the holding of breath for three long weeks till we know! and i can feel some serious spring fever setting in.

it's a time for new buds. . .

. . . and best buds.

Monday, February 16, 2009

philly bits

coming back downtown from the 'burbs

a gem in the Rittenhouse Square neighborhood near where we stayed.

Wit beer at Monk's!

round and pudgy from drinking too much Belgian beer, no doubt.
i can relate.

fell in love with the windows on this building

so many luxe details

we opted to take the old camera instead of the nice one (too risky). who knew philly was so attractive? kicking myself, alas.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

big winner!

i was the lucky winner of some lovely treasures from Royal Buffet! they arrived yesterday and have already brought me joy. i think they seem right at home. thanks very much for this treat, Mollie!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

it's kitty picture time!

spotlight on: caliope

Age: 5 yrs

Nicknames: tiger, lie-lie, squeaky pete, killer, stinker, caliopus, monkey man

Favorite activities: stalking, hunting, killing mice and the occasional bird, wrestling with the laundry basket, peeing on t-shirts that are left on the floor, climbing trees.